International Travel 2013

In an effort to keep this site organized and the comments on the topic of each post, comments, questions and suggestions regarding International Travel will be moved to this post. Please use this for all further immigration / emigration / customs related contributions.

NEW: International Megan’s Law – International Travel Action Group

Also see:
International Travel – Mexico
Living with 290: Traveling to Cabo San Lucas

Resources for International Travel

DHS Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP)

The Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) is a single point of contact for individuals who have inquiries or seek resolution regarding difficulties they experienced during their travel screening at transportation hubs—like airports and train stations—or crossing U.S. borders,

Tip from comments:

Go onto the Homeland Security web site and file whats called a Redress (your addressing your being held up or perhaps miss flights/etc due to constantly being stopped when you re-enter the country). Then, when you travel and re-enter the country, hand both the paper (they will email you a very official paper) and your passport to Customs. The first time I did this, the Customs Officer seemed to not know what it was and the Supervisor read it and I was on my way.


Inadmissibility – Reasons for inadmissibility – Overcome criminal convictions – Deemed rehabilitation

Rehabilitation For Persons Who Are Inadmissible to Canada Because of Past Criminal Activity


International Travel for Residents of AWA States – AWA compliant States

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Quick question: What is the exact page of the “shangun” (spelling?) that list countries that allow 290 to arrive via USA plane travel. Thanks

On google— look under RTAG Florida action committee– they copied a july 2016 RTAG template.

thank you

This is very interesting coming from NARSOL and not ACSOL. They have announced a legal challenge to the passport mark requirement of IML. My question is, does either ACSOL or NARSOL believe that challenging the notification requirements of IML to be hopeless? Larry Neely seemed to be suggesting that in a recent conversation I had with him. However, I would not want us to abandon that essential liberty interest. I hope that ACSOL has not, either and yet, we are only hearing about the passport mark from both organizations. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I guess the reason why President Obama signed the IML into law, was due to him being under pressure by the majority of Republican members in the congress that was spearheaded by Chris Smith to get the IML to pass using junk science and phony statistics of the “frightening high recidivism” without giving the opposition a chance to speak out against it before it got passed last year, am I correct?

Does anyone know if Iceland will take an RSO?

Mostly the English speaking countries will give you trouble

As to travel notice in Illinois, I’m still operating under the requirement listed on the back of the registration form, “Temporary absences for more than 3 days in a calendar year require you to register your new address.” I have traveled abroad as recently as last summer and registered a “change of address” to a hotel in the foreign country two days before leaving, and that was accepted as adequate, with the reminder to change address back to home within three days of return. Once, I came in more than three days before leaving and was turned away and told to come back.

There has been much mention of a 21 day advance notice. I know that Illinois is not SORNA complaint, but I have read that even so, SORNA is a federal law in force everywhere. For now, I’m going with what the registration officers tell me.

I agree at 100%. What we are waiting for? Every group fights for their rights ,write petitions, goes to DC. What did we accomplish with the IML? Just getting mark in the passport, sending back from different countries saying that we are going for the child sex tourism. Is it not time to act and accomplish?

I agree with 100%. What did we accomplish with IML? Why other groups go to D.C. ,write petitions, fight for their rights? We are accepting marks in the passport, sending back from different countries because they receive letter that we are going for child sex tourism. Lets do something to accomplish in some way.

This may be off-topic but I have a question. I got my new passport today and there is no identifier or symbol of any kind regarding an offender. I thought there would be. If I tried to go to Mexico will they still know without the sign on the passport?

I’m a 311 btw.

Hi All, I have been offered a great opportunity to visit and speak in South Africa next year for 6 days. I tried looking up info specifically to see if traveling to South Africa has been an issue, but I don’t see any posts about it. I know it’s not a Shengin (sp?) country, BUT – has anyone had any experiences with flying from the US (Specifically Los Angeles?) to South Africa? How is it to travel to? It’s for work and the people I would be with do not know my registrant status, so im terrified they could stop me. Any info is much appreciated, thank you!

Used to go to Canada on vacation, but haven’t since conviction. There’s a form on this website called Rehabilitation for Persons Who Are Inadmissible to Canada Because of Past Criminal Activity, under Resources/International Travel. Has anyone done that? Looks like I would qualify under number years since conviction, etc. but somewhere I read that sex offenses are not eligible for rehabilitation (figures). Has anyone done this — successfully? Did you use the form or hire a lawyer to handle it (form is very long and complicated)? If a lawyer, can you recommend someone?

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